Have You Been Injured By A Dangerous Drug Or A Defective Product or Device?
The attorneys at Friedman Law Offices handle cases dealing with dangerous drugs and pharmaceutical products as well as dangerous products and devices. If you live in Nebraska and have taken a drug or had a medical device implanted that made you ill, our attorneys can work to recover money to pay your medical bills, lost wages, permanent or temporary disability, rehabilitation or other costs related to your condition.
Experienced Nebraska Attorneys For Dangerous Drug Cases
Our lawyers are experienced with these types of claims, and we work with teams of medical experts, who pinpoint the causes of your illness and determine if a negligent drug company or medical device manufacturer contributed to or caused it.
If you believe you have been injured by taking a prescription medication, you may need the advice of an attorney. Consumers rely on drug companies and medical device manufacturers to provide safe and effective solutions for their health problems. Most of the time, these manufacturers perform admirably, providing us with products that improve, and in some cases extend, our lives.
Sadly, there are also many instances in which these companies bring dangerous products to market. A product may not have been tested as thoroughly as advertised or might not work as well as claimed. The company might have even been aware a product was unsafe but sold it anyway.
Whatever the reasons companies sell dangerous drugs and/or defective medical products, it is the patient who pays the cost, through illness, disability, and even wrongful death. It is for these victims that Friedman Law Offices has striven to achieve compensation for decades.
Nebraska Lawyers To Help If You’ve Been Injured By Defective Devices Or Products
Faulty products come in a wide variety from power tools to seat belts, from tainted food to kitchen appliances. As attorneys, we must prove that the company that made or manufactured the product either designed it poorly or put it together defectively. We must prove that the product was dangerous and injured the person who used it.
Many people are injured by products such as power tools and believe it was entirely their fault. Many times, that is not the case and it is worth a call to our office for a free consultation. A seemingly harmless product can cause serious injury and death because of a hidden defect. Manufacturers that put safety second and try to cut corners end up paying more with damage to their reputation and bottom line. You may feel intimidated going after a large company or multinational corporation. That is where an attorney at Friedman Law Offices can help you.
In proving a defective products case, we must consult with experts such as designers and engineers. The costs in these cases can therefore be high and many times, minor injuries caused by a defective product cannot be economically pursued.
Since 1962, our excellent lawyers have helped injured Nebraska residents seek justice against product manufacturers that put profits above everything else. We will help even the odds against you. Contact us at 888-419-6876.
Excellent Attorneys Advocating For Clients During Difficult Times
From defective drugs and truck brakes to poorly designed tractors and combines, we fight for those who have been injured or are grieving the death of a loved one. Heavy equipment is already inherently dangerous without a designer or manufacturer taking a shortcut and ignoring consumers’ safety.
Contact Us For A Free Initial Consultation
If you have been injured because of a defective product, contact Friedman Law Offices at 888-419-6876 for an immediate evaluation of your case. There is no cost for an initial consultation.