by Dan Friedman | Jun 27, 2014 | Wrongful Death
Car accidents that are caused by an intoxicated individual driving in a negligent manner can be serious enough, but if a pedestrian is involved it can make the injuries even more serious. The lack of protection of the pedestrian and the inhibited motor skills of the...
by Dan Friedman | Jun 9, 2014 | Wrongful Death
Car accidents that injure those involved can be emotionally trying for all the individuals in the accident, but the family of the victim can feel emotional pain for an extended period of time if a victim is killed. These types of emotional wounds can last much longer...
by Dan Friedman | Jun 5, 2014 | Wrongful Death
Car accidents that injure the victims involved can be tragic enough for the families of the victims, but when a victim is killed, it can take an even heavier emotional toll on people. Not being able to say goodbye to their loved one can make the event harder for the...
by Dan Friedman | May 29, 2014 | Wrongful Death
Car accidents between two full-sized vehicles can often leave those involved with moderate injuries; but if a motorcycle is involved, it can seriously injure or even kill the motorcyclist. The lack of protection that motorcyclists have can leave them vulnerable if...
by Dan Friedman | May 16, 2014 | Wrongful Death
Two families are grieving in the wake of a horrific automobile accident in Sarpy County, Nebraska. The fatal accident took place in the early morning hours of a recent Friday. Police were called to the scene near the Platte River, and found that a pickup truck and a...
by Dan Friedman | May 6, 2014 | Wrongful Death
Car accidents that injure or kill their victims are tragic; however, those that take the lives of children are often considered much more devastating than other accidents. Many consider the life of a child to be more precious than almost anything else, and it is...