Semi Truck Accident Case: Will the Driver Himself Pay – or the Trucking Company…or…?
Today I’m going to try and answer some of your questions you might have after your semi truck accident – questions like; who’s responsible for paying your damages? The truck driver? The Trucking company?

Chances are you’re probably hurting after your semi truck accident – there could be a lot of damage to your car but you’re still feeling guilty about the possibility of suing the person who hit you. You could also be wondering – who is actually responsible? Under current federal law, any company owning a trucking permit is responsible for all accidents involving a truck that has its placard or name displayed on the vehicle.
Can There Be Multiple Parties Responsible for Your Semi Truck Accident ?
Here is a story of a trucking accident that happened in California. The trucker who was not supposed to be on the side of the road, pulled off and hit a family that was changing a tire. The trucker ran from the scene and was later apprehended. The insurance company denied the family’s claim. The truck driver changed his story several times before he ended up in court with the records subpoenaed that told the story. The truth was he had been driving too long and was tired. Both parents were killed, one of the children has life-long injuries and the remaining child is now living with relatives.
There are many parties that can be responsible in semi truck accidents; the driver, the owner of the truck and/or the trailer, the company or individual who leased the truck or trailer from the owner, the manufacturer of the vehicle or other parts that may have contributed to the cause or severity of the accident, or the shipper or loader of the truck’s cargo. The truck drivers are usually independent contractors, which makes it extra tricky to know who’s responsible. Often all these players argue amongst themselves as to whose insurance company will cover your claim. So getting a lawyer to help sort all this out could be vital to your semi truck accident case.
Compassionate Semi Truck Accident Help
Friedman Law here in Nebraska is waiting to help you sort this whole thing out. We would be honored to help you if we can and will never charge you anything unless we win or settle your semi truck accident case. Call us at 800-220-9990.