A Nebraska man was arrested after allegedly causing a car accident that resulted in injury to five people, including himself. The arrest came three days after the actual car accident. At the time of a report on the incident, he had not posted the bail he needed for release.

While driving with three friends, the 19-year-old man allegedly ran a stop sign and hit a pickup truck in an intersection. After the crash, he was seen walking away from the scene. He reportedly told a witness that he was the one who was driving and those with him were fine. The witness said the man was bleeding profusely from a cut on his head.

After emergency personnel arrived on the scene, they took the passengers from the car and the pickup truck driver to a nearby medical center, where it was discovered vertebrae in the truck driver’s neck were broken. Doctors determined he would require surgery to repair the damage. The ankle of one of the passengers was broken, but the other two in the car sustained only scrapes. Police found the driver of the car at the medical center later that night after confirming his identity with the witness.

While the report did not state the intentions of the passengers or the truck driver, this Nebraska man could be facing at least one lawsuit as a consequence of this car accident. If he is found to be at fault for the wreck, one or more of those involved may decide to exercise their right to seek financial reparation. Medical bills or any physical or psychological injury they may have endured could be the basis to pursue legal action against this man.

Source: journalstar.com, “Arrest made in hit-and-run crash“, Jonathan Edwards, June 9, 2015