What do Injury Lawyers Do?
Injury lawyers are attorneys that protect the rights of individuals when they’ve been hurt. They are the law firms that go up against big companies on your behalf. Often you don’t even realize there is a big company behind your injury.

It’s scary to have been injured. Your life is turned upside down. Probably the last thing you want to do is to talk to a law firm. I know it can be a very difficult time.
Even your own insurance company might not be on your side once you’ve had an accident. They know what your case is worth and are trained to be nice, but give you as little as possible.
Why injury lawyers have a bad reputation
You might be wondering why you have heard such bad things about trial lawyers. Injury lawyers have a bad reputation now mainly because of marketing campaigns put on by big companies. Every time they hear something that might make you feel less inclined to get a lawyer, they use that story as ammunition to brain wash you into thinking you don’t need someone to protect your own rights.
But in reality without personal injury lawyers who will go to trial on your behalf, we don’t have a free and just country.
Injury lawyers have been called “ambulance chasers” and even the word “trial lawyer” has become a bad term in our society. That is because big companies want you to feel guilty about getting the representation that you deserve when you’ve been hurt.
In our country today, we’re to be “made whole” again by those who have hurt us.
Why Injury lawyers are the backbone of freedom for individuals
Long ago, in the 1920s individuals, even here in the United States, didn’t have any way to go up against big companies. If a big company lost all of your retirement, or you hurt yourself in a machine while working, there wasn’t much you could do.
A small group of trial lawyers got together and began a group which is now called American Association of Justice. This is a group that works to be sure that there is still justice for individuals in our country and it’s a group of over 20,000 trial lawyers.
What do injury lawyers charge?
An experienced injury law firm will not charge a dime unless you win or settle your case. According to an insurance company statistic, you will likely receive three times more money for you and your family if you have a lawyer help you. Why would that be true? Because an experienced law firm has been dealing with the same insurance companies for years and they know their tricks.
Why do I need an Injury Lawyer?
Trying to go against a big company is hard. Usually when you look closely most injuries that happen end you up against an insurance company.
Why do I feel guilt over hiring an attorney to help me?
The big companies go out of their way to make you think you’re sue-happy. Big companies also want you to think you are suing an individual when you’ve been hurt. Often you are not suing an individual. You are usually suing an individual’s insurance company. Or just trying to get the compensation to make you and your family whole again.
You might think you’re suing your family doctor when he or she did something wrong. But in reality you’re likely suing the doctor’s insurance company. Your doctor has been paying their insurance all these years in case they make a mistake.
he news picks up on stories of people suing over a hot cup of coffee. They pick up on insurance fraud stories where people are greedy. People actually are not typically greedy. In fact, people feel guilty about hiring a law firm to help them even when their situation is severely unjust.
Most people who come to an injury firm for help have never been involved in a law suit, and would rather not hire an attorney. They feel it’s their last hope.
Don’t wait! The other side usually has more resources than you do. Get the help you need now. Feel free to contact us anytime.
Free Consultation: (800) 220-9990