If you’ve been in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you’re probably wondering what kinds of expenses your insurance company, or the other driver’s insurance company be paying for. One thing you might not know is that your own insurance company likely won’t be fighting for you the way you would think.

How can a Lincoln NE Car Accident Lawyer Help?


You’ve been paying your mandatory coverage all these years in case you did get into an accident and as soon as you do, your own insurance company is out to give you as little as possible. With strategic ad campaigns they make you feel guilty about protecting your rights with a lawyer, or even getting what you’re due. The law states you should be “made whole” again and that means you should be put back to the way you were before anything happened.

But how do you know what your damages are?

Often you don’t even know the extent of your own damages when your insurance company is offering you money. Sometimes a small fender bender can result in the long-term damage to your body because your body literally took the impact of the accident. You’ll think it was nothing much and yet you could be damaged for years to come.

It won’t cost you a dime to find out if we can help you. A helpful friendly voice is right on the other side of the phone. Please give us a call and let us see how we may help you.