Was Your Loved One in a Truck Accident?

Today I’m here to talk about what you can do after your loved one has been severely hurt, or even killed in an accident with a large truck.

Out of all the emotions you’re going through right now, it’s completely understandable that one of them is probably anger. You’re angry that your loved one was hurt or taken from you by the negligence of others. And on top of that, there are medical bills and maybe funeral costs that are piling up. Should you really be responsible for that if the accident was caused by the negligence of the truck driver or trucking company that employed him? Of course not.

What Causes a Truck Accident?

You’re probably not surprised to hear that according to federal regulators, 20% of trucks inspected on the road in 2015 had serious problems like faulty brakes or bad tires. Many truck drivers on our roads also suffer from fatigue due to time limits being placed on them. And some truckers out there are causing accidents merely because they don’t practice safe driving. Recently in Atlanta, a trucker cut across two lanes of traffic to make a u turn, and a motorcyclist crashed into him and was killed instantly. The family didn’t know that they could receive money for things like “Loss of Consortium” and lost wages from the father & husband who was the bread winner in that family. Not all truckers are bad drivers, and trucking companies are evil, but when an injury or death is caused by them, they must be held accountable. And in the case of a wrongful death, money is the only way to make a trucking company listen and change some of their regulations. Calling a truck accident attorney is the only way to make sure you can have the best chance possible of getting help for you and your family and bringing the negligent parties who caused the accident to justice.

No Fees Charged for Your Truck Accident Case Unless We Win / Settle

Call Friedman Law here in Nebraska at 800-220-9990 and we’ll take a look at your case and do the best we can to give you the help you need. We won’t ever charge you if your truck accidentcase is not won or settled.