Alcohol can be a very dangerous substance if it is consumed by someone who intends to drive a short time after consumption. The effects of alcohol can increase a driver’s negligence, and create very dangerous situations for the motorists and those who are around them. These situations can lead to accidents that can cause injury or even death. Unfortunately, a woman was killed recently in Nebraska in a car accident that may have been caused by alcohol.

The accident occurred on Nov. 18 at around 9 p.m. Emergency personnel were called to the scene and found that the victim’s vehicle had been struck by the other driver. The victim of the accident was pronounced dead by emergency personnel when they arrived at the accident.

The victim of the collision was a 22-year-old female, while the other driver was 30 years old. The other driver was taken to a nearby hospital. Neither one of the drivers had passengers with them at the time of the crash. The accident is currently under investigation by Nebraska police.

Once investigations of the car accident are completed, the family of the Nebraska victim may be able to seek compensation via a personal injury lawsuit. If compensation is awarded for the loss of life, the family could use it to pay for any final expenses of the young woman. No amount of money can ever fill the hole that is left on someone’s heart after a loved one dies, but financial restitution could provide a sense of justice. This could allow them to focus on recovering from their tragic loss instead of worrying about any new bills.

Source: NTV ABC, Woman Killed in Two-Vehicle Accident Near Clarks, Jordan Onwiler, Nov. 19, 2013