Fatal car accidents are always tragic, especially when a semi-truck is involved. The accident is often ten times worse when one of these massive vehicles is involved, and the effects are also often much worse. Unfortunately, a Nebraska woman has died after receiving serious injuries from a fatal accident.
On July 22 an accident occurred around 5:15 p.m. between a car and 18-wheeler. The car was heading east and made a turn left when it was struck by a truck traveling west, after which both cars ran off the road. Rescue personnel stated the jaws of life were required to get the victim and her passenger out of the car. It is unknown if seat belts were worn at the time of the accident.
The driver, a 25-year-old, and her passenger, a 32-year-old, were driven to Columbus Community Hospital, and later were flown to Lincoln Hospital. The driver then passed away on July 26, while the passenger was still in the hospital with injuries received from the accident. The driver was treated for minor injuries and released soon after.
If the driver of the semi-truck did cause the fatal accident, then the family of the Nebraska victim may have the right to seek monetary compensation for the loss of life. This could be used to help lift the financial burden that is sometimes left on families after their loved one passes away. Although no amount of money could ever take away the pain that is brought with a death like this, it could provide the family with some sense of justice and allow them to focus on coping with their loss.
Source: columbustelegram.com, “Schuyler woman killed when semi, car collide,” July 31.2013